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Councillor vacancy
20 December 2024
Advert for New Councillor (2)
30 October 2023
Advert for New Councillor
19 October 2023
Community engagement document
08 October 2021

Community engagement plan steering group document

Download here

Planning applications
26 April 2021
HS2 complaints
27 March 2021

Please report any road traffic issues concerning HS2 to the below number/email

You can contact the HS2 Helpdesk on Freephone 08081 434 434 or by Email:

Play parks
13 October 2020

Calvert Green Parish Council – New Play Area Proposal

Due to the continued deterioration of the outdoor play spaces and the success of the new play space at Rustics Close, Buckinghamshire Council are now planning to close several of the play locations on offer to our children and build a brand new open space adjacent to the village hall.

This new play area would cater for a wide variety of age groups and be sited near to the village hall with views over the green. The trees between the new play area and the road would be ‘crown lifted’ i.e. the lower branches would be removed, giving greater visibility through to the equipment from the footpath.

Play areas numbered 1, 2 and 3 would be removed and replaced with appropriate landscaping. The Parish Council have asked whether one area (2) could be made into a picnic spot with tables and seating. The basketball / sports court would remain unchanged.

In light of this, we would like to ensure that we consult with as many families as possible who use, or will use, these areas to ensure that the design of the play area and the equipment installed within, best meets our needs

Therefore, if you have any comments or suggestions for the sort of equipment or the type of materials that you would like to see in these areas please email the parish council:

You could also let us know what sort of experience you would like your children to get out of their visits to the play areas e.g. challenging, developmental, learning etc.

In the meantime if you could please complete the questionnaire overleaf and return it to us by Saturday 31st October, we would be most grateful for your input. Completed questionnaires can be:

· placed in the designated box in the village hall,

· scanned and emailed to the address above, or

· put through one of these letterboxes:

1 Heathers Close, 4 Fletton End, 11 Rustics Close, 70 Cotswolds Way, 52 Cotswolds Way or 35 Cotswolds Way

Even if your children or grandchildren have grown-up and would not use these play areas any more, perhaps you could ask them what equipment they would have liked or what materials they might have preferred.

All information supplied will be treated in the strictest confidence.

Many thanks

Dunsty farm development
13 October 2020