Upcoming Traffic Management on Gawcott Road/Perry Hill from Monday 20 March to Early April 2023
Upcoming Traffic Management on Gawcott Road/Perry Hill from Monday 20 March to Early April 2023
Two sections of Gawcott Road/Perry Hill will be under 2-way traffic lights from Monday 20 March until early April 2023.
A third section of Gawcott Road/Perry Hill will be under 4-way traffic lights from Monday 27 March until early April 2023.
Please see attached PDF file for more details.
Contact the HS2 Helpdesk team all day, every day of the year on:
Freephone: 08081 434 434
Minicom: 08081 456 472
Email: hs2enquiries@hs2.org.uk
To keep up to date with what is happening in your local area, visit: www.hs2inyourarea.co.uk
Additional Documents
Notice of Traffic Management Gawcott Road Perry Hill.pdf